TON YEAR CHEMICAL Focus on chemical alumina

Aluminum Hydroxide, The Formulation Of Which Is Al(OH)3

Aluminum hydroxide, the formulation of which is Al(OH)3, can be found in nature in the following forms: gibbsite, which is a mineral, and doyleite, nordstrandite and bayerite, all of which are rare polymorphs. Based on its properties, we can say that aluminum hydroxide appears to be an antacid. It has various uses, primary among which is medical application.


Chemical Properties
There are many different forms of aluminum oxide, including both crystalline and non-crystalline forms. It’s an electrical insulator, which means it doesn’t conduct electricity, and it also has relatively high thermal conductivity. In addition, in its crystalline form, corundum, its hardness makes it suitable as an abrasive. The high melting point of aluminum oxide makes it a good refractory material for lining high-temperature appliances like kilns, furnaces, incinerators, reactors of various sorts, and crucibles.


Properties of aluminum hydroxide
The purified aluminum hydroxide has form of bulky powder of white color or granules with density nearly 2.42 g per mL. Aluminum hydroxide won’t dissolve in water, but will dissolve only in bases and acids. You can expect aluminum hydroxide to act as an amphoteric substance in water. If a strong base is present, aluminum hydroxide will act as an acid. And if a strong acid is present, it will act as a strong base.
Aluminum hydroxide should be handled with caution because its exposure can cause irritation. However, only minor and residual injuries will be present. As for flammability, aluminum hydroxide is not flammable and will not burn. Besides, aluminum hydroxide is not reactive, therefore, it is stable in both fire and water conditions.

Applications of aluminum hydroxide
Aluminum hydroxide has plenty of applications; some people believe that these uses are really endless. Just to illustrate the broadness of the uses, we can say that aluminum hydroxide is used as mordant in dyes, purifier for water, ingredient for cosmetics, and even in as an element for processes in photography. There are also applications of minor character in ceramics and construction. But the most important field where aluminum hydroxide is applied is medicine.

Applications in medicine
Given that aluminum hydroxide is able to neutralize acids, it serves as a natural antacid. Aluminum hydroxide also has a very useful property as it stimulates the immune system of human. Besides, various vaccines, including those that are used to treat hepatitis B, hepatitis A, and tetanus, are prepared using aluminum hydroxide. It can be also used for the treatment of kidney patients who have high level of phosphates in blood due to renal failure. This useful feature exists due to the ability of aluminum hydroxide to bind with phosphates. After binding with aluminum hydroxide, phosphates are flushed out of the human body easily.

Cosmetics application
There are various applications for aluminum hydroxide in the field of cosmetics. Aluminum hydroxide is most frequently used for the production of lipsticks, make-ups, and other products for skin care. It is used there because it is totally stable and non toxic for people. Sometimes aluminum hydroxide manufacturers of cosmetics also use aluminum hydroxide to produce cleansers for skin, suntan products, body lotions, and moisturizers. Personal care products, for example, shampoos, toothpastes, deodorants and many others, also involve using of aluminum hydroxide. Aluminum hydroxide is also sometimes used for protection of human skin.

Application in industry
Concrete could not be produced without aluminum hydroxide. On the stage of production of concrete aluminum hydroxide is added to cement. It is also very useful because cement with aluminum hydroxide addition dries rapidly if it is being exposed to heat. Ceramics and glass of both industrial and home application is manufactured using aluminum hydroxide. The most useful feature of aluminum hydroxide when it is added to glass consists in the fact that it makes glass heat-resistant. It is possible because, as have been already mentioned, aluminum hydroxide is not flammable and has high melting point. Aluminum hydroxide combined with polymers appears to be a very good fire retardant.

Post time: May-27-2019
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